I was impressed by
the expansive way in which Arlyn conceptualized
the project.
Her ingenuity,
curiosity and adeptness with language inspired
me to interact with students in new ways.
Ellen Blumenthal,
M.Ed., Ph.D
Professional development workshops are offered for teachers, camp counselors, clergy, mental health professionals and others in helping fields that would like to incorporate expressive writing in their service work. Self-care expressive writing workshops are also offered to support the professional development of those who work in helping fields. I tailor each workshop to the particular interests and goals of the professionals I work with.
Examples of past workshops:
Giving Voice to Refugee and Immigrant Experience
for teachers of ELL students
From Language Arts to Phys. Ed and Everything in Between:
The How’s and Why’s of Incorporating Poetry Across the Curriculum
for elementary school teachers in every field
Integrating Poetry in Social Studies for Grades K-12
for poets-in-residence working through a state-wide organization
Poetry from Nature’s Perspective:
Incorporating Nature-based Poetry Across the Curriculum
for K-12 educators through a back yard nature advocacy organization
Integrating Poetry Across the 3rd Grade Curriculum
for 3rd grade teaching team
Integrating Poetry into Middle School Social Studies and Science Curriculum
for 7th and 8th grade teaching team
Teaching Creative Writing to Young Writers
panel chair and presenter at an annual conference for Association of Writers and Writing Programs
Counting the Omer Through Poetry
for educators at a Jewish day school