Arlyn is authentic, engaging and accessible as a creative person, generously sharing her inspiration, ideas and encouragement to writers of all ages.
- Jennifer Dotson, Director, Highland Park Poetry
Who Can Benefit from Poetic License Workshops?
public, parochial and home schooled students in grades K-12
children and teens in leadership programs
religious school students
participants in before/after school enrichment programming
teens participating in service projects
ESL learners
kids and teens with disabilities
kids and teens looking to enhance social skills
summer campers
scout troops
…and the teachers & leaders who work with them
parents who homeschool
camp counselors
mental health professionals
medical professionals
yoga and wellness coaches
...and other professionals in service fields
emerging writers
experienced writers
I-might-wanna-be writers
adults for whom English is not their first language
visual artists
those challenged by illness or disability
...and anyone who wants to enhance their self-awareness and their connections to others or the natural world